AGT Journal

Integration of business and universities, reality technologies: what the education of the future will look like

Внешние эксперты / Сыртқы сарапшылар / External experts
In the coming years, the priority of the national education system will be the training of personnel capable of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country, as well as the training of specialists at the intersection of different disciplines and with the application of IT.

Technological development implies not only active participation in solving actual industrial tasks, but also comprehensive development of research skills. After all, technological breakthroughs are inextricably linked to science. Our OPEN SPACE competition format has great potential in this direction - a sustainable expression denoting research in areas where the real benefit is not immediately obvious. “The approach of the competition allows us to train a new generation of specialists with a comprehensive understanding of the full cycle of research - from problem setting and hypothesis development to team selection, finding prospects for technology development and bringing a product to market. The more research is done, the greater the chances of finding an unexpected solution that has not been thought of before, but which would be useful for businesses”.

Within the framework of contacts between universities and business we should expect the emergence of new educational structures; we are this transit at the initial stage. New training programs are also focused on the lists of “professions of the future” such as engineering and technology. We have not yet seen a competent approach in this, everything is going to personal requests, but not as the interests of the state and the national economy as a whole.

The competition policy as we wrote earlier is based on the principle of strategic development of expert evaluation. Foresight methodology has enough and a variety of expert methods, we have chosen our model for ourselves. According to the essence and content of technological foresight, it is a method of group interaction, which allows you to determine the images of the future and choose the optimal development strategy, taking into account the predictions of experts, involved and proactive experts participate in the foresight. Foresight is a technology and communication format that allows participants to agree on images of the future and, having defined the desired one, to coordinate actions in its context. Rapid foresight is a tool for predicting and shaping the future, allowing for a short period of time to obtain accurate forecasts and bring people together to realize their visions of the future. It was invented by RAIN Corporation (USA) in 1950, a strategic research center working on orders from the U.S. government and armed forces. Rapid Foresight then spread to South Korea, Japan and other countries. Initially, it was a heavyweight and rather expensive forecasting technology.

The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 is characterized by the merging of information processing technologies with physical technologies and the blurring of the boundaries between the physical, biological and digital worlds. From the perspective of foresight methodology in the management of complex systems (such as Industry 4.0), it is necessary to determine which types of uncertainty can be managed using certain foresight methods and which of these methods are applicable to the analysis of different types of future depending on the level of knowledge achieved. The results obtained may be useful for methodological support of technological foresight projects and as an additional component in the study of trajectories of modern technology development within the framework of Industry 4.0.

This is technology foresight, broadly defined:

1. Technology of group forecasting by proactive experts

2. Selection of the optimal development strategy taking into account the results of forecasting.

3. Roadmap for accelerated implementation of proposals and recommendations based on the results of forecasting and strategy selection, which is transformed into a Target Technology Program or other fundamental regulations.

At the moment, Kazakhstan is implementing the stage of technological forecasting (Tech) in all spheres of the economy with the use of high technologies (under the label - tech). The results of the research allow companies to come as close as possible to defining the strategy and development of the Target Technology Program. All companies have the right and can, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a participant in the development of this format in the field of innovative development and innovation observatory. Briefly theses: according to paragraph 3 of Article 241-5 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Technological forecasting is conducted for the purpose of formation of technological policy and is a set of analytical studies aimed at identifying key (priority) niches, products and technologies, the development of which is a prerequisite for sustainable innovative development of the state. The result of technological forecasting will be the Targeted Technological Program, which includes a set of measures to develop priority technologies and solve technological problems of the industry, based on the interaction of the state, business entities and science.

It will be important for the development of the national economy to have a realized, interdisciplinary competence of such specialists at the intersection of several sciences. Orientation to interdisciplinarity at the level of designing the entire system is likely. The transition from the transfer of knowledge to the formation of critical and systemic thinking to work in conditions of excessive information is promising.

Our directions in the company and project policy, the competition is as a format of clusters of the national project successfully prepare among the participants of the competition and within the team on project research specialists focused on the specific needs of employers as well as their own. And one of the key points, will be the development of our infrastructure around project-based learning, which bridges the gap between educational programs and the actual demand of the industry. “The scale of cooperation and the depth of integration between business and universities should become fundamentally new. Today, dozens of specialists, scientists and students from Kazakhstani and foreign universities are involved in our research and development activities. While they are trained by the thousands, and we choose the best and strongest. To reach large-scale indicators, we need to create the appropriate infrastructure”, and our competition is the beginning of this lineup.

In our opinion, business should give a sufficient number of relevant tasks, around which will be formed on demand for science. A flexible educational trajectory today cannot be created without the participation of a mentor or tracker, and there are few such people. Therefore, the development we will get special platforms for navigation to go not only from the interest of the student, but from the necessary skills and knowledge. And also the development of network structures to grow human resources potential in the regions of Kazakhstan and other countries.

With the development of artificial intelligence, there will be a major change in the education system. The skills of specialists of the future should be connected with the automation of processes and the development of digital services. To the new elements of the structure, should expand the competencies of specialists of different areas of activity in the field of the industrial sector. Such specialists will be in demand in any industry, as professional skills combined with “digital” literacy will ensure efficient operation and continuous development of business processes in the industrial sector. Specialists and employees who both understand the subject area and know how to program have additional value for science and employers. Digitalization will also affect the very process of our competition. Training with virtual reality technologies will be applied at all levels in the near future. With the help of VR, AR, MR simulators it is possible to simulate any situation or object, forming different skills of the required orientation in a safe environment and with minimal costs, and we would like to introduce the same formats in the project part of our events. The shortage of engineering personnel in the era of digitalization is obvious - what can we do, we just need to develop it and not to go from extreme to extreme, to move forward. And we do not despair, we are looking to attract talents from all regions and abroad. We have big plans and we see the horizons of our development and prospects, this is our individuality and uniqueness of all projects.